Sun Rise Chemical

"The company, Sun Rise Chemical, specializes in the field of public health pest control, sanitation, and disinfection against viruses and epidemics (COVID-19). We take pride in offering our services through scientific programs adopted by major companies under the supervision of experienced specialists with sufficient scientific and practical expertise.

We deal with all types of insects and rodents, eradicating pests completely using the latest devices and pesticides approved by the World Health Organization and the Egyptian Ministry of Health. This is done to preserve the environment and the facility where the work is carried out, while ensuring compliance with safety and occupational health instructions.

Our technical program for contracted sites varies based on the nature of each facility, its activities, the type of pest to be addressed. This is determined by the technical management, which consists of a group of engineers and consultants experienced in the field of public health pest control. Accordingly, the appropriate technical program and materials for the site are selected."

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